
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2022

Croatia- dissemination of the project!

On February 22, 2022, the Ist Primary School in Čakovec organized a conference on Erasmus+ opportunities and challenges, inter-county level, dedicated to the Erasmus+ program, dissemination of project activities, exchange of experiences and examples of good practice to strengthen cooperation with Croatian schools Seven schools from Međimurje and Varaždin counties participated in the conference: VI. elementary school Varaždin, Elementary school Franje Serta Bednja, Elementary school Donja Dubrava, Elementary school Belica, Elementary school Tomaša Goričanca Mala Subotica, III. elementary school Čakovec and host of the meeting, Ist Primary School Čakovec. Helena Slamek presented the activities and results in the project What's up mr. Bug? - Insects as the Wonder of Ecosystem. Students from the entire school participate in the project activities, and a magazine was presented in which the activities of the STEAM workshop for younger students and a digital dictionary were presented as a...

St. Patrick Day

  Last Thursday it was St.Patrick Day at our school. At first, we talked about traditions of this holiday. We were creating amazing posters dedicated to this day. The whole classes were having a lot of fun.    

Dzień Świętego Patryka

  Część wszystkim! Ostatniego czwartku w naszej szkole celebrowaliśmy dzień Świętego Patryka. Najpierw porozmawialiśmy na temat tradycji tego wydarzenia. Tworzyliśmy plakaty dotyczące tego dnia. Nasze klasy świetnie się bawiły.

Dzień Kobiet

  Z okazji Dnia Kobiet, który w Polsce obchodzony jest 8 marca, klasa 8e wybrała się na jednodniową wycieczkę do Kazimierza Dolnego - cudownego miasteczka położonego nad Wisłą. Na początku poszliśmy do Muzeum Przyrodniczego, gdzie zapoznaliśmy się z krajobrazem tego pięknego miejsca. Później poznaliśmy technikę decoupage. Następnie udaliśmy się na rynek, gdzie każdy mógł zdecydować, co będzie robił przez następną godzinę. Odwiedziliśmy takie miejsca, jak herbaciarnia, Góra Trzech Krzyży, restauracje i zjedliśmy pyszny kebab. Do Puław wróciliśmy autobusem.

Women's Day

On the occasion of Women's Day, which is celebrated in Poland on March 8th, class 8e took one day trip to Kazimierz Dolny - wonderful little town located at vistula river bank. At the beginning we went to the sience museum where we were introduced to the landscape of this beautiful place. Later we learned the technique of decoupage. Then we went to the market square where everyone could decide what to do for the next hour. We visited places such as a tea shop, the Three Crosses Mountain, restaurants, and ate delicious kebab. We came back to Puławy by bus.

Online meeting! Planning, discussing!

The teachers   take part in virtual international meetings of Erasmus+ partnerships . On 4th March 2022 coordinators and headteachers actively participated in the next meeting of “What's up Mr. Bug?” project, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, which was held virtually, as a result of the effects of the difficult situation in the countries of origin: Croatia, Romania, Poland and Turkey. The meeting  focused on changes in the schedule because of the war in Ukraine, organising the activities for March and April for the students, setting the dates for the coming meetings, which are expected to be face-to-face. Dates of the meetings: 1. Croatia- June: 16th- arrival day- 22nd- departure day 2. Turkey-September/October: 25th-arrival day- 1st October- departure day Activities: Eco-environmental food-  meetings with dieticians, local farmers, producer of ecological food;healthy food bazaar, healthy food lessons;workshops: creating eco cosmetics or own herbal tea The Earth D...