Importance of honey

For the 5th year in a row, the day of the patron saint of bees and beekeepers "St. Ambrose" is celebrated in all Croatian schools in December. All students received a jar of honey and an educational picture book about beekeeping "The Jelica bee and the Edo bear".
This program aims to educate students and their parents about the importance of honey as an integral part of the diet, as well as beekeeping for overall agricultural production and biological diversity.
On that occasion Mr. Andrija Strčak, who produces honey, was a guest of the 1st grade students. With the help of ICT, he introduced the students to the structure of the body of bees, how important bees are for pollinating plants, and the entire process of how honey is made and how healthy it is. The students had the opportunity to see live beehives, combs, get to know the smell, taste and texture of pollen, try on the clothes worn to protect against bee stings, and at the end, the students sweetened themselves with various types of honey, combs and apple juice.

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