3rd ZOOM Teachers Meeting

On Friday, March 12, teachers directly involved in the Erasmuś+ "What's up Mr. Bug?" project met again to discuss the progress of their students' work and to discuss plans for the next month.
The international meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Visit the photo gallery and read the work plan.

Agenda of the meeting on 12th March

What we have already done?

·     We organised the first students’ meeting

·      Romanian team created the mascot

·      We prepared and did quizzez about our countries, also prepared presntation or film about our countries

·      We had the first workshop about insects

·      We sent Christmas, St. Valentines wishes

·  Some countries have started sending the short info about our national festivals: Croatia- Carnival, Romania - 1st day of spring

Tabel with activities:

pluses - we’ve done it, minus - we have to finish


Presentation, quizes about our countries

1st Workshop about insects: biology and ecology about insects

Greetings jamboard

Erasmus+ corner
(photo on FB and for blog too)

Interactive dictionary 


Preparing by our pupils the infographic about netiquette





























Plan for March and the first two weeks April:

1.  Finishing interactive dictionary

2. Preparing biology workshop with microscopes: observing insects, sending photos, short materials

3. Preparing the presentation/electronic book/comics about pollution problems in our countries, sending to Polish team via e-mail

4. Easter wishes to partners: e-cards, songs, e-wishes etc- adding to eTwinning and FB account

5.  2 nd students meeting

6. Creating on eTwinning part about our national festivals and adding there info about festivals with photos, info, films etc.

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